Unique Team Spirit –
always international

The WIL Group Annual Conference in Hamburg

We have been delighted to announce that this year’s WIL Group Annual Conference was taking place on 13th-15th October in Hamburg. This is the first time we have been able to meet with our members for two years due to Covid-19 and we were really looking forward to seeing everyone.

The agenda for the event has been exciting: “Post-COVID perspectives: Making it personal is key”

“We are only as strong as we are united and as weak as we are divided.“ WIL Group partners shared their vision of ‚interim management‘ as a service focused on the real needs of companies and offering high-quality value-added solutions through business transformation, in a conference that, in words of Luis Lizarraga, president of NORGESTION, „Represents a real opportunity to feel the global power of WIL Group, a unique alliance created with the objective of responding to the challenges that the business world faces worldwide“.

The whole WIL Group team received a private guided tour around the Airbus plant in Hamburg.

Brilliant and insightful presentation of Björn Ognibeni, Trusted Digital Advisor discussing why we should be choosing „Shenzhen, instead of Silicon Valley and the three things to learn from China about Digital Innovation.“

Axel Mattern, CEO, Member of the Executive Board of Port of Hamburg begins the WIL Group – Worldwide Interim Leadership afternoon conference discussing sustainability, the shipping industry and how Hamburg has the world’s first climate neutral container terminal.

Back home from a very good WIL group conference in Hamburg our partner in Sweden, Jonas Koch from the WIL company Michael Berglund AB, noted: „My key learning from discussions with colleagues and also from keynote speakers are the following:

* Supply chain will be a big focus for Retailers and all Industry sectors the coming years. We will also continue to see more and more efforts to produce closer to home. Not only from a sustainability point of view but due to problems with supply. Or more of lack of trust in WHEN we will get our goods and to WHAT price?

* Cooperation between countries will be essential to Fasttrack us back to same level or higher then prior to the pandemic. We already see demand for cross-border experts in some specific areas. When talking to my colleagues we seemed to have demand for the same roles and they were: Supply Chain, Battery experts, Transition managers, Restructuring (both financial with focus on Dept control and finding new production opportunities). If you are willing to relocate do not hesitate to reach out to me or some of my colleagues!

* Most countries have a very positive outlook going forward. But will we have enough Interim Executive consultants moving forward? Great opportunity for a lot of people for a new carrier!“


WIL Group: https://www.wilgroup.net/

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